NOVA メモ (2001/09 -)
Last-modified: Tuesday, 01-Mar-2005 17:44:58 JST
感想はももちゃんまで (^^)/.
ayaya先生によると,rearrange a room, rearrange the furniture in a room
Lesson 59.
講師 Tim.
with Shinji, Kimiko.
- words:
- cook
- This is the first time to {meet you, take a day off work, ...}.
- Did you call him or did he call you?
- What did you talk with him about?
- Is ... there please?
- He's not here at the moment.
- When will he come back?
- He'll come back in 3 hours.
- Could you tell {him, her, ...} that
{I can't meet her tonight, his paper was lost, ...}.
- Yes, of course.
Lesson 46.
講師 Charisma (Australia, Melbourne).
with Kimiko.
- words:
- worry, drop by
- Did you do anything else in Shinjuku?
- Who dropped by to see Jane?
- I dropped by my friend's house after work.
- Can I drop by a lunch?
- Which place did you recommend in Japan?
Lesson 64.
講師 Charisma (Australia, Melbourne).
with Takao, Yusuke.
- recommended food in Melbourne
- Lygon St. (Little Italy) Mercadente, Piscopio (どんなものだか不明 ^^;)
- words:
- inconvenience, crowd
- many, much
- There are too many people.
- There are too much noise.
- There are not enough apartment.
- I can't get enough of it! == I want more!
- I like the city because there aren't enough gadget stores!
- because は but じゃないの? と聞いたら,それでもいいといわれた.
会社で N さんに聞いたら,やはり because には違和感があると言っていた.
Lesson 76.
講師 忘れた...
with Aki (student, part time job)
- He's (He is, He has)
- 略しちゃうと見分けがつかないが,
- 絵を見てふさわしい文章を 5 つ作る
- He's been in the garage. (has)
- He's taken a ladder from the garage. (has)
- He's broken a window. (has)
- He's going to go to the front of his house. (is)
- He's going to climb the ladder. (is)
Lesson 66.
講師 Mike.
with Masako.
時制.最近はこればっかり.で,いまだに間違いまくり...(- -;)
- words:
- chill, Prague, Kansas (middle in US, Wizard of Oz)
- 2001年に韓国にいて,今はオフィスにいる場合.
- ○ How long did you stay in Korea?
- ○ How long have you been in the office?
- × How long have you been in Korea?
- ○ How long were you in Korea?
- present perfect
- I have been to Korea. (experience)
- I have finished my work. (completed action)
- From whehe has Elmer sent a postcard?
- How many countries has he seen?
- Can you wire me a $1,000?
- I have never been in Europe.
- persent perfect with quantity
- How long -- How long have you been here?
- How many -- How many (books) have you read?
- How much -- How much (money) have you spend?
- How far -- How far have you travelled?
Lesson 67.
講師 Donna.
with Keisuke.
- words:
- bungy jumping, white water rafting
- Have you ever tried {bungy jumping, ...}?
- No, I haven't and I don't want to!
- Why not? it's {exciting, fun, ...} !
- Have you ever done it?
- Of course! I've been {...} 5 times!
- 5 times! Where did you do it?
- ...
会社でアメリカ人と話す必要に迫られる (^^;).
N さんに help をお願いして,いちおう半分ぐらいは自分で喋って (^^;),
- He has gone to leave dinner, it seems.
- Are you going to go home soon?
- Will you be here some more hours?
- Until when are you going to be here?
- I'll tell him to come to you later today or tomorrow.
- I'll call him later or tomorrow.
Lesson 66.
講師 Tim.
with Masako.
- words:
- uncomfortable, humid, humidity, laundry
- How are you?
- I'm a bit uncomfortable because ...
- How many days did you stay there for?
- 原則: in "地名", at "店など"
- What was the {weather, people, ...} like?
講師 Regan.
- words:
- foster parent
- Possibility
- 100% definately
- 50% I might
- 0% definately not
- 質問に対して,{definately, I might, definately not} とだけ答える事が多い.
- I'm definately going to ...
- I might ... or I might ...
- I'm definately not going to ...
Voice (英語の雑談部屋) のチケットを購入してみた.
レギュラーコース B と同時に購入すると入会金免除で有効期限 1 年.
コースの途中で購入すると,入会金免除で有効期限 3 年ってなによ?
この説明を過去に 3 回聞いたけど,人によって言うこと違うし.
勧誘する側が規約を読みながら聞いてる側に突っ込まれてどうするよ (^^;)?
7b → 7a レベルアップ試験合格らしい (^^)v.
7b → 7a レベルアップ試験を受ける.
自信があるのはせいぜい半分だったり...(T T)
customer support 宛に英語のメールを書く.
不安なので N さんに添削を依頼 (^^;).
『FAX が間違ったところに届いてたら不安なんだよん』という言い回しを教わって,
さっそく単に挿入する (^^;).以下全文.
I sent fax to you last thursday, but I've got no response yet.
I'm wondering if the fax sheet I sent has properly reached to you.
Please tell me about my fax status.
Lesson 20.
講師 Donna (Australia).
with Yoshiaki (College teacher (Japanese literature), tennis, soccer).
- How are the beaches?
- They are dirty!
- How is the hotel?
- There is excellent.
- Do you like 〜?
- No I don't.
- How about 〜?
- Sounds good! How {are, is} the 〜?
- The 〜 {are, is} 〜, but 〜.
Lesson 37.
講師 Mick (England).
with Yoshiaki.
終了後,7b → 7a レベルアップ試験の紙を渡される.
ペーパーテストを受けて OK ならば 7a クラスになるようだ.
- words:
- proud
- I've already been drinking 3times this week.
- I've already {been drinking, eaten sushi, ...} xx times 〜.
- I've already paid my tax for last year.
- I walk to work every day.
- I usually walk to work.
- What do you do everyday?
Lesson 38.
講師 Ken Como (NYC, USA, Drawing people, Mexican foods).
with Fumika (23, Nurse, Snowbording).
How about 〜? は便利なのになかなかとっさに出てこない.
これに限らず,how はなんか苦手だったりする...
- words:
- allergy, hay fever, experience
- Are you a good cook?
- Yes, I cook well.
- Do you drive slowly?
- Yes. I'm a slow driver.
- No. I'm not a slow driver.
- Is the road slippery?
- Yes. The road is too slippery.
- No. The road is not too slippery.
Lesson 21.
講師 Nathan (England).
お得な 1 人モード."s" の発音を注意される.
1 人モードだとあまりメモが取れないのでアレ.
- I haven't been to Shinjuku recently. (recently は前でも良い)
- "s" の発音練習:
- She sells seashells on the seashore.
Lesson 24.
講師 Mick (England).
with Fumio.
- theme:
- 日常会話
- words:
- remark, go over 〜 again
- personal
- Are you free?
- How about dinner?
- Do you {want, fancy} a {beer, drink} tonight?
- business
- A: Hello. I'd like to speak to Mr.B.
- B: This is Mr.B speaking.
- A: This is Mr.A at Company X. How are you?
- B: Oh, I'm fine. And you?
- A: I'm fine thanx.
I'd like to {discuss, talk about, ...} your plan.
Would you {be free, available} for dinner tonight?
- (I'd like to discuss it over dinner tonight?)
- B: Sure, Yes I'm free tonight.
Where and What time shoud we meet?
- (I'm afraid I'm {busy, unavailable, ...} tonight.
But, I'm free tomorrow.)
- A: How about 7pm. at Tankiyo's in Akihabara?
- B: Yes. That's fine.
- (I'm sorry. I'm vegetarian.)
- A: OK. I'll see you {then, later}.
- ({I'd prefer, How about} an Italian or French restrant?)
- (B: OK. Italian is fine.)
- 自分に Mr. をつけてもおかしくはないらしい
Lesson 24.
講師 Mick (England).
with Natsumi.
魚ばかりだったので,辞書をひいて見せても,2 つしか知らなかった ^^;」
ちょっと悲しいじゃないか (^^;).
- theme:
- {I'm, He's, She's} wearing 〜.
- words:
- sweat shirt == training top, trousers == slacks (== pants),
trainer == sneaker, jeans
- checked, striped, spoted
- critic
- a pair of {pants, trousers, glasses, ...}
- What do you usually wear at home?
- When I'm at home I wear 〜.
- What type of pants is Wayne wearing?
- What kind of bag is Julia carrying?
- She's carrying orange leather bag with gold chain.
- (色) (材質など) (もの) の順番.
- "short pants" は子供のはくものをさす.
- He's still wearing short pants. (まったく,ガキなんだから...)
来る予定の人が 2 人来なかったらしく,お得な 1 人レッスン.
Lesson 14.
講師 Mick (England).
なんか,隣の部屋で Mike がなんか書いてるぞ?
レベルチェックっぽいなぁ.しかし,私はまだメタメタだよ (x x).
- theme:
- Can you fix 〜?
- words:
- landlord, sew, dog kennel
- Can you fix the {tap, sink, window, ...} ?
- What's the problem?
- A water is dripping.
- Sorry, I can't fix it.
- What does he looks like?
1 コマ目はどこかの会社の人と一緒だった.珍しい.
猫宛の手紙にしたらやけにウケていた (^^;).
Lesson 40.
講師 Mick (England).
with Takao.
- theme: letter
- 書き出し
- Dear {Joe, Mum, ...}
- {Hello, Hi}
- 締め
- {Love, Fondly, Yours truly, Love and kisses, ...}
- {Regards, Best regards, ...}
- I like it very much.
- I {usually, sometimes, ...} 〜.
- I'm going to 〜.
- How many weeks has Mary been in Mexico City?
- How does she goes to school?
- What does she usually do in the evening?
- Where is she going next week?
- 実際に手紙を書いてみる.
言い回しは,75% ぐらいはレッスンのをパクって,
wrong correct)
- (Letter from Student in Austraria)
- Dear Shi-chan & Dai-chan,
- Well, this is my 6th month in Austraria.
I like it very much.
I usually get up at 9'o clock and
walking beach
go for a walk on the beach.
I usually go to school at 11 o'clock by bus.
I always study English at school very hard.
In the evenings I usually go to a dinner dinner
with my classmate.
(In the evenings I usually go out for dinner with my classmate.)
After dinner, I sometims go to bar a bar.
Life is very exciting.
Tomorrow, I'm going to Ayers Rock.
- Give my love to the family.
- Love & kisses
2 コマ目は久々に 1 人でお得感あり.
たまたま着ていた「たれデーモントレーナー」についての説明を求められる ^^;.
「Parody of Japanese famous character called たれぱんだ」とか
cord と programming code を説明して,「He is playing with コード」とか,
インチキ臭いがなんとか説明できたようだ (ぉぃ).
さらに,話の流れで「出汁」の説明とかラーメン屋の場所の説明とかするはめに ^^;.
「しょうゆ」「味噌」「塩」はスープの素 (ソース) の種類だということを,
(追記) 会社で soup stock という言い方を教えてもらった.
ということは,soup stock と source の違いだと言えば通じたのかな.
Lesson 31.
講師 Nathan (England).
- words:
- Dollar Bill ("Pound Note" in England), Coin
- It will be $20.
- What's the problem?
- What do you need?
- もっと速く話すように言われた
- ex. as soon as possible (a su na spo si bal)
Lesson 23.
講師 Jo (USA, Texas).
with Gou (University 3rd).
- When is the party?
- Why can't she go to the party?
- What does he invite her to?
- Why don't we meet at 7:00 on Tuesday?
- "thanks" と "thanks anyway" の違い
- thanks: Year, thanks. (Yes, thank you...)
- thanks anyway: Year, thanks anyway. (No, but thank you...)
- 大人のための復習英文法 英語を使いこなすための「語順と時制」
Lesson 22.
講師 Ken Como (USA).
with Yasumasa (tdu). を作成中と言っていたが,whois 引けないぞ (^^;).
- theme:
- 〜ing
- I'm reading a book.
- Are you calling your client?
- Why are you drinking coffee?
- I'm eating my lunch and typing letter.
- What are you doing?
- Hmm. I'm writing reports.
- Who believe?
Lesson 19.
講師 Mick (England).
with Takeyoshi, Yoshiaki (College Teacher, Modern Japanese Literature).
- words:
- marmite
(kind of jam?), shop assistant
- theme:
- Can you 〜?
- Can you show {me a 〜, it to me, them to me, ...}?
- What {make, type} of 〜 {is that, are they}?
- Could you {send me, bring me back} 〜?
- What make of Camera does she want?
- What make do you want?
- How much can she spend?
- What does she want {in a hurry, quickly}?
- What does she wants the waiter to bring more of?
- She wants the waiter to bring more coffee.
- -A- which -B-
- -B- は -A- の補足 (説明)
- -A-, which -B-
- -A- と -B- は対等
- (~= -A-, and it -B-)
- may
- 「〜かもしれない」は英語のニュアンスと比べて不確実すぎる印象が
- often
- 「しばしば」は日常あまり使わないので,
- How do you find 〜?
- 「〜についてどう思う?」
- believe と believe in
- believe は「思う」.believe in が「信じる」.
idiom や言い回しの種類を増やすために,本を買ってきた.
- 英会話基本表現ハンドブック (The Right Phrase at the Right Time)
- ネイティブが話す [英単語・イディオム・決まり文句]
Lesson 39.
講師 Nathan (England).
with Yasumasa (tdu).
Small talk をやる.2 人で 5 分ぐらい自由に喋れと (^^;).
下にはアメリカ綴りで書いてあるけど,Nathan が書いたのはイギリス綴りだった
(centilitre, centimetre).
- words:
- 100 degrees centigrade (100 degrees celsius), cent (centiliter,
- drink (n), drink drank drunk (v), drunk(, drunken) (cdi)
- theme:
- simple question and answer
- How do you come to work?
- By bus.
- How long does it take?
- Oh, about twenty minutes.
- Do you usually get a seat?
- Sometimes, but not often.
- Is Maria Italian?
- Yes, I think so.
- Does she speak English well?
- No, I don't think so.
- Is she coming to the dance tonight?
- I hope so!
Lesson 36.
講師 Mick (England).
with Shinji.
- A is better than B.
- B is not as good as A.
Lesson 17.
講師 Mick? (England).
with Shinji (high school student, Ochanomizu), Fumio.
しかし,2度目でも non-countable な名詞に s をつけてみたり.
Lesson 40.
講師 Mike (USA).
with Shinji.
本物はもっと読めないんだろうなぁ (^^;).
what's it like 〜 は説明聞かないと意味が分からなかった.
- words:
- forbidden, occasionally, stressful
- What time does Mike usually arrive at school?
- He usually arrives at school at 9 o'clock.
- What does Mike do in the evening?
- He occasionally stays home and studies, but he usually goes out for
dinner with a friend.
- What do you usually do on Sunday mornings?
- Hey, what's it like {being a 〜, living in 〜, ...}?
- == tell me about 〜
- It's 〜, and I usually 〜
- ex.: Hi, what's it like being a programmer?
- It's very busy, and I always work on weekends.
one between bread and biscuit. という言い回しを教わる.
(ex. some between 20 and 30 (年齢をはっきりとは答えない))
Lesson 28.
講師 Mick (England).
with Nachi (nurse).
- words:
- bride / bridegroom, vicar / priest
- theme:
- going to 〜
- What are you going to {do this afternoon, wear tonight, ...}?
- I'm going to {go for a walk, go to my office, ...}.
- How many people are you going to invite?
- Where are they going to drive to?
- They're all going to drive a hotel.
- What are they going to have?
- What are some people going to do?
- What's everyone going to do then?
- Are you going to go to 〜, tonight?
- Yes, I'm going to go there, tonight.
- No, I'm not going to go there, tonight.
講師 Ken Como (New York, USA).
with Takeyoshi (University Student, Electorical Engineering, Handball).
ブッシュが倒れた新聞記事 (^^;).
Your opinion? と聞かれるが,英語での言い回しを知らず...
I think, his stance is diffensive for United States. とか言ってみた.
- words:
- faint, scrape, bruise, physician, neurological, cardiopulmonary,
wayward, residence (I know this word in SimCity. :-), estimate,
reflux, stimulated, vagus nerve
2 コマ目が一人だった.得した気分 :-).
Nathan によると,Vannessa は年末で辞めて Canada に帰ったそうだ.
で,Nathan も 4 月頃に辞めて Canada で一緒に暮すらしい.
そうだったのかー (^^;).
Lesson 25.
講師 Nathan (Oxford, England).
with Yasumasa (tdu).
- words:
- especially, mustache (== moustache), beard, illegal
- theme:
- propositions (at, to, for, with...)
- Who is Peter's friend?
- What is the woman buying?
- Why can't Peter see the movie?
- He can't see a movie, because her hat is in the way.
- major 3 types of proposition
- of movement (out of 〜, into 〜)
- of place (outside 〜, in 〜)
- of time (at 〜)
Lesson 39.
講師 Mike (USA).
- words:
- furious, nervous, disappointed, cactus
- theme:
- suggestion
- What's the {matter,problem}? (What's wrong?)
- I'm very sick.
- Why don't you {go to a hospital, ...}?
- What can I do for you?
- 疑問文とはアクセントが違う
- 疑問文は Why が強い
- suggestion は Why も普通の強さ
Lesson ?.
講師 Jennifer (Wisconsin, USA).
with Yasumasa (tdu).
- words:
- want, need, like, love.
Lesson ?.
講師 Phillip (Dallas, Texas, USA)
with ?.
- words:
- sledding, bob sledding, tobogganing.
- Jesus Christ Birthday.
- We'll deside a city, later.
- Why aren't we going to 〜
- We aren't going to 〜, because it's 〜.
Lesson 14.
講師 Donna (Australia).
with ?
- words:
- athletic, swing (n), to swing (v)
- Can I swim there?
- Yes, you can. No, you can't.
- What kind of food can I eat?
- You can eat Chinese food.
- Can I shopping?
- -> Can I go shopping? Can I shop?
- You can swimming.
- -> You can swim. You can go swimming.
Lesson ?.
講師 Mick (England).
with Fumio (jewery design teacher), Noriko (industrial chemistory)
- She's the romantic {lead, interest, ...}.
- Do your homework now.
- Do the fun.
しょうがないので,11/16 にやったことにして書いておくことにする.
まあ,11 月下旬〜 12 月上旬にやったに違いない.
- words:
- Mercedes
- What kind of 〜 does she have?
- It has 〜.
- Does the 〜 have 〜?
- No, the 〜 doesn't have 〜.
- Yes, the 〜 has 〜.
- The usually play well.
- Now they are playing well.
- I ski. they ski. he skies.
- I eat. tyey eat. he eats.
Lesson 32.
講師 Barbara (England).
with Kyong Ai, Mitsuyo Ikeda (house wife, piano teacher).
- words:
- dictate
- Have you ever performed?
- What is he interviewing her about?
Lesson 37.
講師 Vannessa.
with Yoshiko (nurse, movie), Mitsuyo Ikeda.
- words:
- funeral, a funeral home
- classical music, classic (rock, pop, ...)
- What kind of {nurse, ...} are you?
- Does it often rain here?
- For example?
- I like singin.
- I'm a pilot for panam. I fly 747s.
- What does he do?
- What's he doing now?
- What's his favorite sports?
- He likes golf. His favorite spport is golf.
今日は 2 コマ.
Lesson 15.
講師 Barry (England).
with Hideki (Kuki Saitama, nihon-u).
- words:
- travel agent
- How did you get here?
- I got here by train and on foot.
- How about you?
- What kind of 〜 do you do?
- How long have you been a 〜?
- Where does he wants to go
- go to {name, place}
- go {verb (shopping, ski-ing, ...)}
- He wants to go to 〜 [on business] [next monday] [by plane].
- What would he like?
- He'd like to {verb (eat, go, ...)}.
- He'd like {noun (information about 〜, potato flies, ...)}.
- Where does he wants to go?
- When does he wants to go?
- What time would you like?
- Is there a train at 6:00?
- No, there isn't.
- What time is there a train?
- There's {a train, one} at 6:40.
Lesson 17.
講師 Greg (Canada).
おおう.私 1 人ですか (^^;)?
1 人で Lesson ってのはお得感はあるが,疲れるな (^^;).
(「マンツーマンレッスン」ってのを普通に申し込むと,料金 3 倍かかる.
今日は普通のレッスンでたまたま 1 人というケースなので,
- words:
- perfume
- countable / non-countable
- countable: french fries, potato chips, spoons, ...
- non-countable: pizza, cake, sushi, beer, sake, ...
- countable: a piece of pizza, a glass of sake, ...
- Do you have any 〜?
- Yes, I do.
- How many 〜 do you have? (countable)
- How much 〜 do you have? (non-countable)
- I have a lot of 〜.
- What kind of 〜 do you have?
- I have some 〜.
- Do you have any 〜?
- No, I don't. Could you bring some when you come?
- Sure. How {many, much} do you want?
- I want {a bottle of wine, 3 large pizza, ...}.
- I have a bottle from Ishikawa, a bottle from Fukuoka and a bottle
from CA.
今日は 2 コマ.
Lesson 13.
講師 Barry (England).
with (Korean, house wife, two boys).
- words:
- mansion (= huge house, in England)
- estate car, sallon (= sedan, in England)
- crawl (= freestyle), breaststroke, butterfly, backstroke
- laver (~= seaweed)
- schools in England
- 4 〜 10 - primary school
- 11 〜 15 - secondary school
- 16 〜 17 - college
- 18 〜 - university
- schools in Japan
- 3, 4 〜 5 - kindergarden
- 6 〜 11 - elementary school
- 12 〜 14 - junior high school
- 15 〜 17 - high school
- 18 〜 - college or university
- What do you like doing in your freetime?
- I like swimming and reading.
- How may bedrooms are there in his house?
- How does he feel?
- He has no family.
- How much money does he have?
- What is his 〜 {house, car, ...} like? ("like" means any characteristics)
- His house is large and expensive.
- There's a swimming pool and 10 bedrooms.
Lesson 34.
講師 Nathan (England).
with Shino (student, from Fukushima, Ultimate Frisbee)
- words:
- fusion food (無国籍料理)
- diplomas
- Do you have any special diplomas?
- Do you work with your hands?
今日は 2 コマ.
Lesson 11.
講師 Ken Como (Canada?).
with Mitsuyo Ikeda,
Lesson 11 は簡単だった.
時制や人称を間違えたり (涙).
- words:
- 特になし
- What's the customer want to order?
- What did he want to drink?
- What kind of vegetables did he want?
- Why can't I go 〜? {skydiving, ...}
- No, don't do that it's 〜. {dangerous, ...}
- It's not dangerous, it's fun!
- Do you want to 〜? {go to the beach, ...}
- I want it for $〜.
Lesson 29.
講師 Vanessa (Canada).
with Kazutoshi, Yuri.
- words:
- respiration (= breath)
- tortilla, guacamole (avocado dip), spinach
- widow, widower
- What kind of music does Mr. Mattox like?
- He likes classical music and jazz.
- What kind of food does he like?
- He likes meat and potatoes.
- How old is he?
- none of your business.
今日は 2 コマ.
Lesson 18.
講師 Barry (England).
with Fumio (Jewery designer), Lin.
- words:
- 特になし
- How long have you been doing this job?
- I have been 〜ing for 〜. {5 years, ...}
- Please tell me about 〜. {your family, ...}
- Which part of 〜 are you from?
- He doesn't like to be asked personal questions.
- He doesn't like people asking him personal questions.
- Which 〜 is mine? {one, pen, ...}
- Which is 〜? {his glass, ...}
- This one is 〜. {yours, his, mine, ...}
Lesson 26.
講師 Kirk (Canada, tronto).
with Kazutoshi, Ju Youn Lee.
- words:
- TV show (soap opera, variety show, ...)
- 時刻
- 1:00 - 1 o'clock
- 1:05 - 5 after 1
- 1:10 - 10 after 1
- 1:15 - quarter after 1
- 1:30 - half past 1, one thirty
- 1:40 - 20 to 2
- 1:45 - quarter to 2
- 1:55 - 5 to 2
- 12:00 - noon, midnight
- almost 1:30 - 1:28, 1:29
- just after 1:30 - 1:31, 1:32
- 1:05 - 5 after 1
- When is it on?
- It's on Monday night at 〜 {9:00, ...} on {8ch, BBC, ...}.
- What time is it now?
- What's on at quarter after 8?
- What's on after the 6 o'clock news?
- There's a 〜 {news show, ...} on at 〜 {8:00, ...}.
今日は 2 コマ.
Lesson 35.
講師 Mike.
with Lin (stdies accounting, from China), Kazutoshi (nihon-u, from Mie).
この Lin さんとも良く会うなぁ.
彼の中国なまりの英語は私には聞きづらい (^^;).
講師が「どこのプロバイダ?」と聞くので会社名を言うが,誰も知らない (^^;).
「日本は通信料金が高くて.それもこれも NTT が...」とか講師が言い出す.
けなされてるのは NTT だし,まあいいか (ぉぃ).
- words:
- piece of cake - 朝飯前, Reverend (Postor),
- Who goes to church every Sunday?
- Benson's wife goes to church every Sunday.
- When does the Benson goes to church?
- He goes to church at Christmas and Easter.
- What's Benson usually do on Sunday?
- He usually wash his car.
- Do you ever 〜?
- Yes, I 〜.
- No, I 〜.
- How often do you 〜?
- I 〜 {every, #} 〜(time).
Lesson 20.
講師 Barri (England).
with Shinji, Hiroki.
講師に,"Where are you from?" と聞いたら,どこから来たと思う?
と聞き返された.見た目で "England?" と答えたら正解だった (^^;).
英国 (United Kingdom は England, Wales, Scotland, Nothern Ireland
からなるとか) について少し教えてもらう.
- Barri's recommended English foods.
- Shepherd's pie
- Fish and chips
- English breakfast
- I graduated from 〜.
- What did you do last weekend?
- What do you do in your {free,spare} time?
- I go driving a long way away.
- What is the weather like?
- The weather is beautiful.
- What is there in her hotel room?
- What is the food like?
- The food is very good.
- What are the people like?
- The people are very friendly.
quite often が often よりも頻度が下っていうのがどうも納得できない,
という N 氏と共に,会社にいるカナダ人に聞き込みに行く.
その人によると,「quite often の方が often よりも頻度は高いと思う」
「often (50% ぐらい), quite often (80% ぐらい)」
「native はほとんど often としか言わないと思う」
上記の会話は,もちろん全て N 氏が聞き出したものです.
Lesson 33.
講師 Vanessa (Canada).
with mariko.
お茶の水 NOVA は看護婦率高い気がする.
- words:
- comfortable - feel safe, atmosphere, enormous - very big
- yellow pea soup, tourtiere, poutine, gravy - beef source
- What's his job?
- What does he do?
- He's a truck driver.
- What time does Mac get up?
- What time he leaves for work?
- What does he do in the evenings?
Lesson 13.
講師 ? (Canada).
- car parts
- sunroof, wheel, headrests...
- あと忘れた...
Lesson 36.
講師 Nathan (England).
「quite ほげほげ」って,「ほげほげ」よりも強いと思っていたら,
- always (100%)
- very often (80%)
- often (75%)
- quite often (70%)
- usually (60%)
- occasionally (25%)
- quite rarely (7%)
- rarely (5%)
- very rarely (3%)
- never (0%)
[追記] 10/03に追加情報あり.
- 質問の答えは会話が続くように返すこと.
- I work in the 〜. How about you?
- ballet
- バレー (フランス語)
- What time does she usually get home from work?
- When does she usually eat?
- How often does she go out?
Lesson 32.
講師 Greg (Canada).
- What do you usually do -- ?
- "every morning", "after dinner", ...
NOVA 一回目.私のレベルは 7b+ というところらしい.
まあ,会話がまともな文章にならないから,そんなもんだよな (^^;).
Lesson 27.
講師 Vanessa (Canada).
- What did you do on the weekend?
- When are they going to leave prison?
- Who is Tim going to meet?
- Are they going to leave prison today?
- No, they aren't.
- When are they going to leave prison?
- They are going to leave prison tomorrow.
- mother-in-law, father-in-law
- 義理の母,父
感想はももちゃんまで (^^)/.